

a Next-Gen Cloud-Native SaaS Platform


Fertility Clinic Management



Human-centric Design

Creators of Intuitive User Interface in a Pleasant Design away from conventional intimidating Excel-sheet-like UX

Craft simple & intelligent systems to use

We allow you to hand-hold your patients along their journey via our various Automations.

Provide Efficient, Trustful, Secure & Delightful Experiences to your patients with heARTbeat

Streamline repetitive Administrative tasks such as Scheduling that'll make your clinic employees happy

heARTbeat is a next-gen Cloud-native SaaS Platform designed to securely & intelligently automate Fertility Clinic Management

Inherently designed to minimise human-errors by way of its underlying algorithm

What We Do


With useful Insights at a glance.

Being Cloud-native, utilise these powerful insights anytime and anywhere as you are not dependent on a specific location.


The purpose of each Scheduling clearly visible on Centralised Calendar and sent as Notifications to Patients and Clinic personnel.

Various time-saving Scheduling functions such as Rescheduling, Repeat Meetings & Multiple Meetings among others.


An intuitive and Secure Electronic Medical Records functionality. Neatly Organized Notes such as Vitals, Physical Examination, Menstrual History and others by Doctor or Nurse on each interaction.

Centralized Cal.

Centralised Calendar provides all employees in the Clinic an organized view on the upcoming scheduled visits.

This allows for enhanced collaboration and timely preparedness for managing the incoming patients to the clinic.


Register various Types relevant to a Fertility Clinic such as Patients, Partners, Donors and Surrogates.

And, choose multi-level Permissions for managing sensitive info such as Donors.

Manage Cases

Easy and Secure Digital Management of the Case Files created by the Clinic for Patients.

Smart and Intuitive Overview of Case Files.


An advanced Intelligent Notification Technology.

Notify your patients easily via automated SMS, E-Mails & soon also WhatsApp.

Alerts are automatically also sent to the Clinic Personnel associated to a Patient’s Appointment.


Intelligent Meeting Coordinations via Automated Notifications not only go to Patients but simultaneously also to relevant clinic personnel such as Doctor, Embryologist and others as part of the meeting.


Intelligent Automated Notifications for Stim thereby reducing chances of missing taking Prescriptions. An advanced workflow protecting Doctor from minimizing overdosage human-errors. Easy and Intuitive Prescription Functionality.


Now do Stock Management with Billing efficiently on your Pharmacy counter. 

Powerful Automations helping Pharmacy personnel to manage Pharmacy Stock.


Invoicing with Powerful Features including Subscription-based Invoicing along with Automated Intelligent Reminders to your Patients.

And, of course, a Dashboard providing Insights on the Financial Aspects of your Clinic. heARTbeat auto-generates a beautiful and elegant PDF of Invoices for print-out or to be sent by mail.

Path Lab

Probably the most-advanced Lab. Investigations you may have experienced yet. Sign-up for a Free Demo to experience the advanced features.

Cryo Banking

The most advanced Cryo Banking amongst Fertility Clinics allowing you to Design each Dewar based on your actual usage and patterns in your Lab. Each Dewar adopts real-life pattern and usage of your Dewar instead of offering a fixed way of working. And, yes, again with Automated Intelligent Notifications to your various requirements.


Intelligent, Powerful & Innovative Stock Management. Probably the most advanced in the industry. 

Manage your Vendors, Equipment Service and Maintenance along with many more Advanced Functions & Automations for an Advanced Inventory Management.


Intelligent and Innovative detailed Sperm Analysis with Double-Witnessing based IUI Management. Seamless auto-integration with Cryo Banking minimizes human-errors and saves tons of administrative work for your Andro/Embryo Lab. teams.

heARTbeat auto-generates beautiful Sperm Analysis PDF Reports delighting your patients.


you are entitled to all Upcoming Upgrades free-of-cost

and that too

without waiting to install or download any software

How many Users the License is limited to?

Generous Number of Users (reasonable number) thereby giving you the peace of mind.

How about Service Support?

The power of a modern Cloud-native solution allows for automated processes without the need to manage local physical site services via IT support teams. Therefore, almost no manual support is required.

In an unforeseen case though we shall be glad to support you with any queries or troubleshooting. Most of our processes are fully automated and you will not require much manual support. But we will be happy to help you with any queries or troubleshooting.

How scalable is heARTbeat?

System can easily cater from a small clinic to multiple clinics under a chain.

Similarly, advanced cloud algorithms allow for automated upscaling as the usage increases.



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